19th Century Neoclassical Malachite Vase or Urn
This beautiful ancient bronze and malachite vase was brought to the workshop in pieces. The 19th century neoclassical Russian vase is part of a set of two pairs. The vase was severely cracked and broken. And there was close to a hundred pieces that needed to be glued. But thanks to the expert craftsmanship of Mark Fry, this masterpiece has been restored and is now ready for display.
This vase is a truly stunning piece of art that represents history and it is sure to impress anyone who sees it.
When it comes to choosing a company to trust with your treasures look no further than Museum Quality Restoration Services. We have the experience and expertise necessary to get the job done right, and we will work with you every step of the way to ensure that you are happy with the end result. Contact us today at 760-329-2294

The urn was badly bent and many pieces were broken off and some lost.
Some of what was left of the badly broken pieces.
Glued down the existing loosened malachite and glued on the rest of the pieces left with some still missing.
Filled in all malachite areas and shaped and feathered in to get ready for touching up.
Filled in all malachite areas and shaped and feathered in to get ready for touching up.
Mixed the various colors to match the malachite pattern and touched up.
Mixed the various colors to match the malachite pattern and touched up.
A different part of the urn with badly broken malachite pieces.
The gluing process for all the cracked malachite.
All the loosened and malachite glued back on.
The glued cracks to be filled and feathered in.
All the cracks filled and feathered in.
Badly bent rod removed to be straightened.
The rod straighten out in the vice.
The rod all straightened out.
More malachite glued down and missing areas to be filled in.
All malachite glued down and missing areas filled, shaped and feathered in.
All malachite glued down and missing areas filled, shaped and feathered in.
All malachite glued down and missing areas filled, shaped and feathered in.
All various filled areas touched up to match the malachite patterns.
All various filled areas touched up to match the malachite patterns.
Various cracks filled and feathered in, ready for touch up.
Touched up to match the malachite.
The reassembly process.
The reassembly process.
The reassembly process.
The reassembly process.
Cut felt and glued on the bottom of urn pedestal.
The malachite urn completely repaired and reassembled.
The malachite urn completely repaired and reassembled.
Whether you need us to restore a heirloom or refresh your favorite furniture – we are here to help! Contact us now to preserve and restore your treasured items.
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